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Kim Fenton
1 min read
I want to be a voice...
On this blog In the yoga scene On Instagram I want to be a voice, however small or soft it may be, that's not about the stunning pics...

Kim Fenton
4 min read
Steady and Focused
On the mat, my goal is to mentally reach a place where I'm steady and focused. To me, steady means that I'm not jumping around in my mind...

Kim Fenton
3 min read
Are you breathing?
One of the biggest things I learned coming to yoga was how to breathe. I didn't realize that I would spend my entire day (except if I...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Why would I practice being uncomfortable?
"When we are able to stay even a moment with uncomfortable energy, we gradually learn not to fear it." - Pema Chodron I’ve used this...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Don't give up your hard earned peace
I've posted before that one of my sacred practices is that whenever something infuriating, stressful or mildly annoying happens in my...

Kim Fenton
1 min read
Surrender. Let it Go. Breathe.
It doesn’t need to be perfect. The pose, the timing, the event, none of it. Ishvara pranidhana in yoga means surrender. Surrender is not...

Kim Fenton
5 min read
Fight, Flight or Freeze - Svadhyaya in Yoga
The past week or so in my classes, I've been using longer holds, mostly in the spirit of a transition to a pitta-balancing practice for...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Balance and the Fear of Falling
In big balance poses, the more I resist falling out, the more I wobble. The more I think about balancing, the harder it gets to do. The...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Success in Yoga isn't Arm Balances?
I have a thing I say in class. I’m pretty sure my regulars think I’m a broken record. But still, I think it’s important. I call it the...

Kim Fenton
1 min read
Blessed are the flexible
"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape." (Michael McGriffy) What lessons can be learned about the flexibility...

Kim Fenton
1 min read
They can't take my peace
My motto when something stressful happens is “I won’t let it take my peace.” In yoga we work to create and maintain peace and focus. Let...

Kim Fenton
1 min read
Thoughts like water
I use imagery a lot on the mat. It helps me stay focused when I can visualize what I'm trying to accomplish. One that I use a lot when...

Kim Fenton
1 min read
THAT is yoga.
In yoga, we all came for different reasons. Maybe it was an injury or stress. Maybe we were out of shape and wanted to get back into some...
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