Kim Fenton
5 min read
The Magic of Showing Up
Often practice is really hard. Not even what you do, but showing up and doing it in the first place. To make time, to find a quiet space...

Kim Fenton
6 min read
Balancing Vata this Fall
I can't believe it's already October! We are ramping right up into Vata season in my part of the world, and this can be difficult to manage.

Kim Fenton
1 min read
I want to be a voice...
On this blog In the yoga scene On Instagram I want to be a voice, however small or soft it may be, that's not about the stunning pics...

Kim Fenton
4 min read
Steady and Focused
On the mat, my goal is to mentally reach a place where I'm steady and focused. To me, steady means that I'm not jumping around in my mind...

Kim Fenton
3 min read
Are you breathing?
One of the biggest things I learned coming to yoga was how to breathe. I didn't realize that I would spend my entire day (except if I...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Why would I practice being uncomfortable?
"When we are able to stay even a moment with uncomfortable energy, we gradually learn not to fear it." - Pema Chodron I’ve used this...

Kim Fenton
6 min read
How to Know if You Have a Dosha Imbalance (& what to do about it)
Once you learn about Doshas, it can be really confusing. One of the biggest points of confusion is "wait, is that my dosha or my...

Kim Fenton
6 min read
Ayurvedic Asana - Working with your Dosha!
As you know, each Dosha has its own distinct qualities that influence our bodies, our minds, and how we feel. Asana can be an incredibly...

Kim Fenton
5 min read
My Favorite Ways to Stay Cool in Summer!
It's mid-July now and it's been hot hot hot! I've had a lot of family in town visiting so it's meant eating a lot of things I normally...

Kim Fenton
2 min read
Don't give up your hard earned peace
I've posted before that one of my sacred practices is that whenever something infuriating, stressful or mildly annoying happens in my...